Monday, March 31, 2008

Out of the Frying-Pan and, Well, Hopefully, Just out of the Frying-Pan

On the positive side, it appears that Sully's five-year reign of terror is over. This, I'm saying, in that damned if that pristine new specimen....isn't even more hag-like, detailed, tearing up the charts with stumble-bums, etc.. Of course, the fact that this fellow here (AKA, mua) has himself inched it up a notch or two, might it not have been just as much the venue, I'm asking, inappropriate? I mean, think about it. Who in his right mind would in fact lay out feelers at Sassy's anyway - kerplunkingly, not, OR otherwise? Certainly not a standard-bearer, my friends. Certainly not a standard-bearer.

1 comment:

  1. You better hope she (Sully) doesn't resd this, Will. Like I keep telling you, women don't take hag-like" as a compliment. Marta.


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