Monday, March 10, 2008

Laughable Irony

Oh, and he doesn't "speculate", he says. DOESN'T SPECULATE!!! I mean, come on, that's all the son-of-a-bitch ever seems to do, for Christ! Just on that same show, I'm saying, he "speculated" that the pop-culture's support for the Democratic candidate would no doubt add at least 5% to his/her margin (notice how he didn't speculate as how much right-wing radio would add to the Republican's margin). And the fact that he's always "speculating" as to the motives of his competition. "MSNBC has taken a sharp turn to the left", he proclaims, not, NOT, because the President himself has festered the nation but because (speculation drum-roll, please) MSNBC is trying to improve its ratings. He speculates as to why his own speculations are accurate, for Christ!! Talk about somebody who doesn't understand the breadth of his own imbecility, etc....................................P.S. And, no, as I've stated before, I don't even accept his premise that MSNBC has taken a "sharp turn to the left". I mean, sure, you've got Keith Olberman and his partisan leanings but, really, overall the network is far more mainstream than Fox. Brit Hume alone on Fox............

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