Friday, March 21, 2008

Knee JERK Reaction(ary)

I also think you have to realize, Bill, being black in this country is an entirely different experience than being white. And it's even more different for older African-Americans in that, yes, they've clearly seen a level of oppression that the younger generation hasn't (not to say that today is perfect, mind you, but, for the sake of argument, I'm saying). So, when an older black dude, like this pastor, says things that are to your ears (and, yes, to mine, too) preposterous/inflammatory, you have to realize where he's coming from, me-bucko. He knows, for example, that black soldiers were experimented on in the army. And, so, to him, it isn't a far-fetched notion that, yeah, maybe the government did infect the black-community with H.I.V.. I mean, seriously, as imbecilic as that may in fact sound to us, you can almost understand why someone of that race and vintage would harbor such suspicions..................................I don't know, Bill, to me, it sounds as if we really might want to start trying to, instead of vilifying people (as you far too readily do, me-bucko), bridge the gap here with some real dialogue. This, I'm saying, as opposed to yada-yada, shouting matches on "Hannity and Colmes", "The O'Reilly Factor", etc..

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