Monday, March 24, 2008

Another Typical Cut and Paste Job/Day at the Office

You're such a shrewd son-of-a-bitch, O'Reilly. This, I'm saying, in that, yeah, I saw that little montage of yours; all those out of context clips you assembled to make the media look like lap-dogs of Obama. Well, let me tell you something there, buddy. I saw the "Hardball" episode in question and, yes, because of that, I heard EVERYTHING that Chris Matthews said. So, for instance, in addition to hearing his praise for Obama's speech, I also heard him be very critical/questioning of Obama having stayed in Wright's church for all those twenty years. Not that you would EVER show that part of the clip.....................................P.S. Seriously, though, nothing that ever makes the media (like it's a frigging monolith, for Christ!)/Democrats look even remotely decent. Nothing, still, that compromises the "right". And THIS from a guy who claims to be "fair and balanced". Bull-crap!!

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