Saturday, February 23, 2008

Rudy's Setting Sun, His Last Stand, Etc.

Honestly, though, folks, as relieved as I am that Giuliani is gone/out of the picture (Bush, with a couple extra chromosomes), there is in fact a part of me....that's actually going to miss him. I mean, come on, all that "material" he provided, all the hyperbole, logical inconsistencies - all the cow-towing, for Christ! Oh well, at least he did get a final one off, saying that, if in fact a Democrat does get elected, we'll be going "back on defense", in terms of fighting terrorism, etc.. "Back on defense." The Democrats are going to get us killed, in other words. Yesssssss!!!!! Sweet, huh?....................................But even beyond the fear-mongering, I'm saying, just that whole "back on defense" statement. I mean, I feel like telling him, hello!!, dammit!!, we never really WERE on defense, dude! Seriously/think about it, lax security at the airports, lax security at the shipping ports, lax security at nuclear plants, the water supply, etc., etc.. And the fact that a lot of these problems remain (funds diverted to Iraq, no doubt), the fact that I could probably still blow up the bow of a ship....if in fact I was bored enough/predisposed. THAT, I'm telling you, is what scares the crap out of me...................................Oh, and, yeah, Mr. Giuliani, where did you put that command and control center again? WHERE? That's what I thought. Wow. And to think that the great Pat Robertson wasted an endorsement on you, ya' bastard. What a shame. What a shame, indeed.


  1. I am just curious....Is there any one out there worthy of Presidency...????
    Help us out here Will!!!


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