Thursday, February 14, 2008

Coverage Coverage

Bernie Goldberg, a man who I generally find to be hyperbolic/a "Johnny One-Noter" (the liberal mainstream media, yada-yada), actually made a good point the other night. He said that it was unfair for MSNBC to utilize Keith Olbermann (he didn't actually say the name, Keith Olbermann, in that, yes, he was a guest on "The Factor") as an anchor on primary coverage, that MSNBC shouldn't have done that, etc..............................It was a good point, I'm saying, in that, while Olbermann didn't necessarily skew the coverage, per say, his presence I did find to be at least a little awkward. I mean, just look at one simple fact alone. Olbermann, my friends, did not participate in a single interview of any Republican candidate, handler, or even a talking head. Chris Matthews was left with all of those assignments. I mean, yeah, it was probably good discretion to not have Olbermann interview people, the likes of who he's clearly lambasted. But, still, I'm saying, having him in the anchor-chair, period, not necessarily a good idea, in my opinion...................................P.S. Yes, I know that Fox does it as well (Sean Hannity, for example, right there in the middle of it all). And, yes, I also know that Brit Hume hasn't for the longest time been anything close to impartial. I guess I just kind of hold the other cable channels to a higher standard. That's all I'm saying.

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