Friday, January 18, 2008

Nothing Below the Surface, Ever, With this Guy....Bill O'Reilly, Ladies and Gents

Bill, in the words of Burt Lancaster's Mr. Merrill in "The Swimmer", "You're a liar, you're a God-damned liar!!" Seriously, though, bro, all of the other networks HAVE reported on the lessened violence in Iraq. Of course, they've also analyzed said trend and, yes, taken at least a cursory glance at possible other explanations (other than the surge, I'm saying); sweet-heart deals with Sunni militias, the fact that these same Sunni militias have turned on Al Qaeda (is the government next?), the fact that the country has largely already been ethnically cleansed, the fact that Al Sadr is most likely waiting us out, etc.. I mean, come on, Bill. What do you want the media to do - a daily homage to the Bush administration that, yes, the surge is in fact working (ignoring as well the total lack of political reconciliation)?................................Oh, and while we're at it here, if you're going to criticize the other networks for not covering this lessened violence (which is, in and of itself, a lie but whatever) then, yes, I think we're going to have to take a look at you, too, me-bucko. For instance, I think it's fair to criticize you for not covering the four million (20% of the population) displaced Iraqis, the fact that the Christians there are being persecuted daily, the total lack of political reconciliation inside the country, etc..............................And, really, Bill, the the fact that we're even having a one-year anniversary of the surge....and still haven't declared "mission accomplished" yet/again, maybe you ought to look at that, too, bro. That, and the overall mindset of preemption, I'm saying, nation-building, etc..

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