Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Chasing Liberals (And Doing it in Your Pajamas)

Of course, according to O'Reilly, Matthews' vitriol for Clinton....is strictly for the purpose of helping Obama (a part of that "everything has an ulterior motive" mindset of his, I gather). I mean, talk about a convoluted paradigm, huh (yes, Matthews has in fact spoken well of many Republicans over the years; John Werner, Lincoln Chaffee, Olympia Snow, basically all of the moderates)? That, and the fact that he's lying....BIG TIME! Like I've already stated, folks, Matthews has had an enmity regarding both Clintons for years. This is NOT partisan stuff, at all!................................P.S. Think about it, though. Grill a Republican, you're a liberal. Grill a Democrat, you're a liberal. Participate in the all-you-can-eat pancake breakfast down at I.H.O.P., you're a liberal. It's like, what, the facts exist only to prop-up Mr. O'Reilly's imbecilic prisms....and vise frigging versa? Apparently yes, huh?

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