Sunday, January 13, 2008

Another Forged Documet From Fox, Folks....Dig it!!

I don't know, Bill, I guess that Dan Abrams didn't get the memo that MSNBC is rooting for Obama over Hillary. I mean, seriously, bro, this guy has been doing nothing over the past few days BUT criticize the media FOR it's treatment OF Hillary. And the fact that he does it, I'm saying, right after your stupid program concludes (i.e., mercifully ends). It's like, talk about an argument that doesn't hold water, me-bucko................................P.S. And for the record, Bill, Chris Matthews has been harsh critic of the Clintons FOR YEARS! He didn't need a Barack Obama candidacy to remind us of this. I mean, seriously, by your convoluted reasoning, Rush Limbaugh (he of the "Americans aren't ready to watch a woman age in the Presidency" mindset) is an Obama supporter, too, in that damned if he hasn't been just as unfair to Hillary. Oh, wait a minute, he's been consistently/equally unfair to Obama ditto. Never mind!!

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