Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Money Where the Mouth Is

Here's another challenge for you, Bill - a fun one, actually........................We start by randomly gathering (this, as opposed to "cherry-picking", I'm saying - no cherry-picking on my watch, bro) 100 or so moderate/independent voters. We then expose these individuals to one hour each of Brit Hume and Brian Williams broadcast segments (again, randomly selected). Afterwards, we ask them, "which of these two newsmen did you find to be more balanced/less partisan in their presentation?"..........................You see where I'm going here, right? This, I'm saying, in that, yes, I'd be willing to bet some serious money that Brian Williams would in fact gather such a significant portion of the votes that you, Bill O'Reilly, would crap your pants, me-bucko! Aw, come on, what do you say we do it, huh?

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