Sunday, September 23, 2007

The Depth of Hypocricy

That was pretty ballsy of President Bush, though, don't you think - bringing up Vietnam in the context of what we're going through Iraq? I mean, first of all, the fact that Bush himself was A.W.O.L. (literally AND figuratively) to THIS, what he NOW calls a conflict we ended prematurely, wreaks of hypocrisy..........................But even worse so, I'm saying, this man, whose grasp of foreign affairs has itself become a punch-line, completely puts forth the wrong message from Vietnam. The issue ISN'T that, once we get ourselves involved in misadventure, we stay until the blood runs dry. No, it's that we plain-old don't get involved in the first place. Prudence and, yes, prudence above all else, me-buckos!.........................But seriously, though, talk about a fellow who has no business being anywhere near the oval-office - whether or NOT he's being "serviced" under the table. I'm saying.

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