Monday, September 17, 2007

Congressman Paul 2, O'Reilly 0

And so, too, do you, Bill, make a blanket distinction between Iran and Saudi Arabia; Iran being a state sponsor of terrorism, the Saudis merely unequipped to deal with it. Ha, if only it were that easy, me-bucko.........................For one thing, I'm saying, hasn't it been established that the Saudi government has in fact something of a deal with it's home-grown terrorists, "leave us alone and we'll leave you alone" (a.k.a., free to attack other countries with impunity)? And haven't, too, the Saudis allowed religious fundamentalist schools to flourish throughout the country - schools whose major function, oh by the way, has been that of a breeding-ground for hatred, suicide bombers, terrorists, etc?..........................I mean, so, no, the Saudi government isn't "sponsoring" Iran apparently is with Hezbollah. But, really, Bill (and, yes, here's where a closer examination might in fact have helped you), they're not exactly clean, either.

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