Wednesday, August 1, 2007

The Purplest Heart of All, O'Reilly

Alright, let's see if I've gotten THIS ONE straight. The army is efficient, you say, but only up to the point when a person gets shot? Hmmm, that's interesting. Only when the army, by necessity, has to take care of it's wounded soldiers, suddenly THEN it becomes inefficient! Wow, that sucks. Kind of convenient for you, though, in that, yeah, it substantiates YOUR preconceptions, etc....................But, seriously, what DOES such an argument say about your precious army? I don't know, to me it says either that they're sadistic (i.e., that they only care about a soldier if he continues to be functional) or that (the more logical conclusion) they're not in any way, shape, or form the efficient, well-oiled machine you've consistently portrayed them to be. Either way, I'm saying, it doesn't exactly substantiate your argument after all, now does it?

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