Saturday, August 11, 2007

My Apologies to Cavemen Everywhere

I just love it. O'Reilly goes ballistic, right, when he hears that the Democrats are having one of THEIR debates at the Yearly Kos convention. He criticizes the crap out of them in fact. This, I'm saying, as opposed to him saying nothing when (for example) John McCain goes to Liberty University and cow-tows to Jerry Falwell (that's right, Mr. "Agent of Intolerance on the Right" himself)...................Oh, and let's not forget all those little tea-parties that President Bush has with right-wing, talk-radio neanderthals. Gee, that's not in any way, shape, or form catering to the lowest common denominator of political discourse. I mean, come on, O'Reilly himself, comparing the Daily Kos to Adolph Hitler. Now THAT is some SERIOUS hate-speech, dude!

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