Sunday, August 5, 2007

The Fine Art of Table Turning, Paranoid Style

Oh, so because Senator Dodd thought you made that idiotic San Francisco comment on your radio show (as opposed to you having made it on the radio, I'm saying), this somehow damages HIS credibility? I mean, sure, he probably DOESN'T watch the "Factor" every night but, really, it seems like he's seen enough of your shtick to get at least a basic handle on it; your penchant to see everything through a cut-and-dry political lens, a tendency to idiotically extrapolate broad, self-serving, and paranoid conclusions from limited data, etc.. Of course, the scariest part of all is that the minions who worship you in T.V. land actually buy this garbage of yours - that you in fact are the reasonable one/ guru. Talk about a wake-up call, huh? A wake-up call for the country, I'm saying!!.................Oh yeah, and then you bring Dennis Miller out afterwards to bash Senator Dodd, unencumbered. How frigging typical was that, for Christ? Fair and balanced, my ass.

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