Monday, June 18, 2007

Dogmatic Justice, Cruel and Unusual Stupidity

Maybe if he didn't constantly feel the need to vilify those of a different mindset. And the fact, too, I'm saying, that he tries to get inside people's heads/ their souls, tries to impugn their motivation, etc.. Just take, for instance, this whole obsession he seems to have with Jessica's Law. It's like, "Bill, I get it - stiff sentences for child sex offenders. Not a problem, dude." But, really, does he have to label every person who opposes Jessica's Law as a coddler of the sexually deviant, a member of the secular-progressive movement, a proponent of weak, "restorative" justice, etc., etc.?........... I mean, I was reading the opinion of this one lady, right, who seemed to have some legitimate concerns. She states that the stiff sentences put forth by Jessica's Law make it much harder to 1) extract confessions and 2) negotiate a plea bargain. As a result, these cases (not the bulk of which are slam-dunks, mind you) will have to go to trial and maybe, just maybe, a lot of these miscreants will end up serving no time in prison, at all! How is THAT being tough on sexual deviants, Mr. O'Reilly?..............But, seriously though, do you see what I'm saying here - his illegitimately/ prematurely vilifying people, the oversimplification of complex issues, etc.? I mean, it actually would be funny, I'm saying, if in fact it wasn't just as frightening BIG TIME - simultaneously so.

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