Saturday, June 16, 2007

Deaths Not Worth Mentioning

Oh, yeah, and as for all of this, "it doesn't further the story" nonsense (O'Reilly's excuse for not covering what he now so cavalierly refers to "bomb de jour" stories), I'm afraid I'm going to have to part company with Mr. O'Reilly here, too. This, I'm saying, in that this steady drumbeat of violence/ mayhem tells us indeed A VERY IMPORTANT PART of the "story" - namely, that President Bush's "surge" strategy, well, it doesn't appear to be working. Oh, wait a minute, I forget, that's not a particular part of the narrative they even want reported, is it?...........And, no, I'm not even prepared to say that it's working in certain parts of the country. I mean, think about it, the absence of violence in certain Iraq territories is a signifier of what? Might it not simply mean that those regions of Iraq have already been ethnically cleansed and, hence, there isn't any longer a need for fighting TO occur? Of course, another and equally obvious reason for lessened conflict is that the Shia insurgents, in particular, are playing what those of sports-related mindset would fondly call "rope-a-dope". They're laying low, moving on to another area, waiting for the little Dutch boy to take his finger out of the dike, whatever!! I mean, it's kind of like what I've said before: fighting THESE bastards, it's like taking a sledge hammer to Jello.

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