Wednesday, June 13, 2007

Coulter's Republic

I'm wondering, though, would Ann Coulter's cavalier notion of "collateral damage" change...if in fact it was a 20 megaton bomb exploding in HER backyard? At the good house, I'm saying, the one she's purchased from all of those book sales, speaking fees, etc...........And why can't she just frigging admit that the country of Iraq (if indeed it ever actually was a country) IS OVER? It's split, splintered, come apart, whatever you want to call it. That, and it's done so largely as a result of the measures we've taken.......Of course, instead of accepting this reality (which could actually be viewed as a positive scenario, through vision), Annie and the neocons want to put "Iraq" back together again. I mean, talk about a collision of arrogance and naivete. It's like, sure, perhaps we could in fact accomplish this. But it would probably take 500,000 troops, cost us tens of thousands in casualties, take decades, and necessitate a return to Saddam Hussein-style martial law. Talk about moving everything back to square one!!!!........Hell, maybe even Ann Coulter herself could be the new dictator/ empress/ philosopher king of a new, much more "efficient" Iraq. She'd definitely be good at it, don't you think?

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