Tuesday, June 5, 2007

Coerce This

So, Bill, you choose to believe George Tenent, do you - George Tenent, when he says that torture/ enhanced interrogation is an effective way to get valuable information from terror suspects (him and all the other implementers of such and such a program, as well)? Hmmm, O.K? Well, then let me ask you something there, buster. What, pray tell, WOULD you expect a fellow like this to say about enhanced interrogation, that it doesn't work? It's what he frigging' does, for Christ!!!!..............I mean, think about it. Surgeons. They say that surgery is the best. Those who manufacture pharmaceuticals say that pharmaceuticals are superior. Radiologists, more than likely, they'll say that radiology is even better yet. It's like, do you actually think that those whose bread is buttered by humiliating our enemies would in fact be different from others whose interest is vested? You need a much more INDEPENDENT analysis, me bucko!!!

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