Thursday, October 2, 2014

On the Latest Lisa, Shaw Donnybrook - Addendum

We live in a culture in which people are perpetually offended and outraged (the left, especially). Some asshole put something offensive on Lisa's blog (directed at Shaw; a partisan whose partisanship is antithetical to Lisa's, apparently) and Lisa didn't take it down right away - WHO FUCKING CARES? I mean, yeah, it was wrong but a) 99.999999% of the people on the planet will never see it, b) you probably shouldn't get all worked up about what some moronic degenerate says about you, and c) why in the hell would you even go to a blog like that in the first place? Fuck 'em and move on, that's what I would say (and what I did to a psycho douche-bag named 1138 who once accused my father of raping my mother - I banned his sorry ass and didn't give a rat's ass about what he said about me at his blog, boom, done).


  1. 100% correct Will....its rather comical watching mortally offended Shaw's minions running around like their hair is on fire trying to stifle speech on Lisa's blog.If they don't want to hear the comments...don't go there.

    Of course there are a couple of commenters there who take it a bit far.

  2. The thing is, is that the woman has cried, foul, so many times now (both pertaining to her and Obama) that even when she does have a good case like this one, I just can't get too exorcised over it. I mean, it's not like she's a child who's gonna get beat up at school or anything.......And God only knows what wd is writing about me.


  3. I have absolutely zero sympathy for Shaw....she is a pompous,sarcastic cow.

  4. You have obviously missed the MUCH larger point Will. Whether this an honest or a willful miss only you know.

    I won't attempt into discuss this further or attempt to point why it is important, (O)CT(O)PUS did an excellent job of that. Nothing else need be added.

    Principle, integrity, and honor. Some have it, some don't.

    When all is said and done ya gotta live with yourself, nuff said?

    If you dig it Will enjoy the company.

  5. The only point that Octopus makes is the one on the top of his head. And of course I get the point. The person who made the comment is an asshole. I just don't like the constant leftist BS of always having to play the victim, that's all.

  6. BULSHIT Will, and that is ALL I have to add.

  7. And I'm sure that Lisa is quaking with anger that I called her a Neanderthal/bozo and that the girl hangs around with moronic degenerates.

  8. Perhaps it's time to discontinue throwing names around? This includes me as well, although my slights are mild compared to Lisa's site and other blogs (both conservative and liberal), and have been in response to rather than as an initial attack comment.

    Really, free speech can, and should be civil. Free speech when exercised as it has been by some (at lisa's site specifically but not limited to)is reprehensible, belligerent, threatening, demeaning, filthy, serves no purpose other than the self gratification of an imbecile, and divides rather than attempting to find common ground.


  9. Hey Les....stick the "common ground" up your ass.

    You and the other petulant children at PE are only interested in ground that fits your beliefs.

    I have my opinion of Shaw and it seems Will has his. If you disagree so be it....I doubt if either one of us give a shit what you think.


  10. Is that the best you have pot is stinky? My you are a witty one.....

    1. It's by far better than you have.

      Or, I could say YAFAAFO but I have too much class to sink to your level.

  11. "And God only knows what wd is writing about me."

    Just like God only knew what Hinkley was writing abot Jodie Foster.

  12. There is no god. Humans created the mystical being in their own image.

    And, do you give a s* it what Derve is saying about you?


  13. Class RN? In a polyester shirt?
    You're going to get cancer wearing that stuff,invest in some cotton.

  14. If this is the same "Lisa" from when I actively blogged she (he?) has several monikers. I had a deserved reputation as a troll baiter and yeah, it was fun calling them shitheads and deluded fools but all of a sudden they dried up. I stay out of it now because I'd just stir em up more. No use causing too much aggravation. Of course being a republican now I can fully see and appreciate all the cookery they spout as well.

  15. Joe,
    As a republican now, shouldn't you be using the moniker "Lie 101”?

  16. If you like your doctor you can keep him, Jerry. That, and Benghazi was caused by a Youtube video.

  17. Will and Jerry: the Democratic lie class is clearly a graduate-level course. The teaching position is a shovel-ready job.

  18. We republicans have no problem with hypocrisy Jerry. As long as its us practicing it.

    Now run along while I read the brilliant comments of Rusty.

    (Get it? "Brilliant comments.")


  19. BlogWar2014 still rages on with some interesting twist's and turns.

    Boston Chubby Shaw continues to seek attention,she even stooped low enough to link to a disgusting selfie she took of herself....just to keep her puppies stirred up.

  20. Rusty Shackelford said; Boston Chubby Shaw continues to seek attention,she even stooped low enough to link to a disgusting selfie she took of herself....just to keep her puppies stirred up.

    You're one sick MF Shackelford. But everyone that isn't one themselves already knows that.


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