Saturday, October 25, 2014

On the Joel Osteen Sirius XM Radio Show

Oh yeah, I'm going to dish out my hard-earned money so that I can listen to this Bible-thumping idiot pontificate (that, and the fact that he's already worth over 50 million) - I don't think so!! I would rather listen to wasps buzzing around my head.


  1. He's in it for personal glory, cash, and fame, that is clear. God's glory, whether you believe in it or not, is a distant priority with guys like this.

  2. His TV show is worse than the radio.

  3. 50 million dollars is this guys worth and he's the idiot? Maybe the idiot label belongs attached elsewhere and liberally.

  4. His hair is amazingly shiny in HD TV.

  5. The guy looks good for 51. I'll give him that.

  6. "The guy looks good for 51."

    He spends it all on how he looks on Earth, never mind Heaven.


  7. He's blessed with $3,000 suits...$1,000 shoes and custom tailored shirts.

  8. This charlatan is laughing all the way to the bank.

  9. Praise the lord. So many willing to pad the bank account of the snake oil salesman of Christianity.

  10. dmarks, perhaps the rev missed that part of his biblical training? "And again I say unto you, It is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle, than for a rich man to enter into the kingdom of God." -Matthew 19:24

  11. I'm sure he missed nothing, BB. He's just quite happy to be a camel the size of a whale.


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