Tuesday, October 21, 2014

On the Fact that Oscar Pistorius Only Got 5 Years and May Ultimately Only Serve 10 Months of Actual Jail-Time (this, After Blowing His Wife to Pieces)

I'm gonna go out on a limb here and say that justice wasn't even remotely served, and that maybe, JUST MAYBE, they need to bring the jury system back in South Africa.


  1. I have reluctantly come to the conclusion that the legal system isn't about justice or morality:
    its about successful lawyers. Pistorius was lucky. If he had written a bad check in Maryland,
    he could have gotten 15 years, but
    all he did was empty his handy
    pistol into a screaming girlfriend: the old property damage vs personal harm situation. Jury trial for Pistorius?...we recall one OJ

  2. Jury trial are faulty, too, but I trust them better than the judgements of a singular person.

  3. Attorneys must defend their clients to the best of their ability. Then the jury speaks, first bearing in mind the judges instructions. Our system ain't perfect because it was devised by, practiced by, and manipulated by imperfect humans. That being said, it's still better than mob rule, sharia law, or judgement by divine right or one lawyer who became a judge.

    Pistorius was lucky, this time. Justice was not served. It has oft been said whatever goes around comes around.

  4. RN said: "That being said, it's still better than mob rule, sharia law, or judgement by divine right or one lawyer who became a judge."

    And, once again, kudo's to Oklahoma for attempting to ban the savage and brutal terrorist legal system called Sharia from within its borders.


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