Tuesday, October 21, 2014

On the Fact that GM is Still Losing Close to $50,000 For Every Chevy Volt (Even at a Sticker-Price of $40,000) that it Makes

Well, I guess that if you know that a wheelbarrow of federal greenbacks is waiting right around the corner to bail your sorry asses out, anything is possible - http://www.reuters.com/article/2012/09/10/us-generalmotors-autos-volt-idUSBRE88904J20120910


  1. Just last week,after never seeing one I saw two Tesla's on the road the very same day. Nice looking car and they announced they will build a battery factory in Reno that will employ a couple thousand

    Elon Musk is one smart puppy.

  2. Sure wish it was a live like so it was easy get to on cell phones.

  3. As long as Tesla doesn't bleed the tax-payer, I'm cool with it.


  4. Not only did Elon Musk start Pay Pal,he also started Tesla Motors and is going to shoot humans into outer space in a private project.

    Ya gotta love a smart guy like him who has the balls to take major chances.

  5. I also have to disagree with you strongly on Elon Musk, Rusty.

    The man has to have no integrity at all when he harasses a reporter for accurately reporting on a shoddy Tesla car that broke down very early into a test drive. The negative publicity from this accurate review of the product cost some sales. I'm sure Musk's reaction cost even more sales.

    A terrible business model: build crap and sue when the truth leaks out, instead of responding by improving your product.

    This has even turned into legal-system-abusing thuggery that has crossed the pond:


    It's kind of like Ford suing people because Ford made exploding Pinto's....

    Musk treads too close to Michael Mann territory here (referring to the man who peddled a major climate-change hoax, and was caught faking data, and then sued the whistle-blowers instead of apologizing for his sham).

    Anecdotally, a Tesla roadster was sighted a few blocks from my house this past summar. Curiously, it crept along down the road at one or two MPH... much slower than a walk. No one drives a car that way on purpose. I have a good guess it was Musk's excellent design at work again.... the sportscar that makes golf carts seem like Formula 1.

    A couple of hours later, this same toddler-speed sportscar was seen being hauled away on a flatbed.

    Anyway, watch for if people die in Tesla's space program, Elon Musk will sue the families of the victims and scream at them all over the media. Because anyone is to blame other than him and his company.

    And the Nevada deal? It looks dirty too. There is more to the story than the usual California's worker-hostile environment driving out jobs.

  6. Will said: "As long as Tesla doesn't bleed the tax-payer, I'm cool with it."

    Well, it looks like they are. Massive corporate welfare from Nevada taxpayers...

  7. Well dmarks we differ on our opinions of Musk.

    I think he's an excellent businessman.

    Any new technology can expect a bump or two...I think he has an absolute winner with Tesla.

    The tax deal he got from Navada for the Reno facility is no different then what New York is doing to entice businesses or what South Carolina did to get Boeing.

  8. Rusty said: "Any new technology can expect a bump or two"

    Then he should fix the problems, instead of making a damn ass of himself by attacking those who report the problems. He's extremely tone deaf, isn't he?

    I wonder if that Tesla I referred to is still going at 2 mph. It looked nice, though. I guess that is all that counts.

  9. As for Boeing and South Carolina, the unions and their theft from and war against Boeing's workers had a lot to do with this too. They have made the rust belt so much rustier, having forced the auto industry to fire hundreds of thousands as the plants moved south there also.


  10. dmarks....Boeing moved the production from Washington state because the machinist union constantly held strike over their heads and they also got a favorable deal from S.C..

    I'm totally in favor of states giving sweetheart deals to entice a viable business to create thousands of jobs.

  11. Rusty: Yes, I know the union forced jobs out of the state. They also did their damndest to stop the plant in SC, even to the point of speculation that the plant would have to be built offshore due to that union's hostility to American workers and jobs.


  12. Hell demarks,Obama's NLRB tried to stop Boeing from going to S.C..Nikki Haley did excellent work here.

    1. I remember... Obama's actions could have forced Boeing to offshore those jobs.


  13. One of the machinist unions worst ploy's was to say the S.C. workforce wasn't smart enough to make a modern airplane....well,surprize surprise they are making them better,faster and cheaper in a right to work state.

  14. Wow ... Musk can't keep his mouth shut. He has outed himself as a luddite boob. Someone who watched "Terminator" a few too many times... http://www.washingtonpost.com/blogs/innovations/wp/2014/10/24/elon-musk-with-artificial-intelligence-we-are-summoning-the-demon/

  15. And yes, on the other subject, unions insulting workers is nothing new. See the "scab" word for another example.


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